
Saturday, June 15, 2019

Letter to 8 Year Old Caycen

Dear Caycen,
HOW IN THE WOLRD are you 8 years old already??? I am SO SO proud of you and the young man you're becoming. You always work so hard at everything that you do! You're the best big brother and set such a good example for your sister. I love how you are always so compassionate and make sure that you include all of your friends when you play in a group.

I love our bedtime conversations and how you tell me all about your day, funny stories, and random thoughts. That's the time that I cherish with you the most. I love our cuddles, movie nights, baseball practice in the front yard, trick shot attempts, dinner games, and just spending time with you.

I hope you always know how special you are to me and how grateful I am to be your mama!

I pray God will use you to show others how to love and live for Christ.

I love you so so much Buddy!


Current Favorites:
Color- still orange
Movie- Spider-man in the Spiderverse,
Sport- Soccer
Book- Dogman books, Secret of the Hidden Scrolls
TV Show- lots of Youtube channels
Game- Golf on the Wii
Best Friends- sooo many! Cody, Tate, Logan, Silas, Tristan

Some pictures from the past year: