Dear Baby C,
I can't believe I'm saying this... You turned 6 MONTHS OLD yesterday!!! Wow!!! That's HALF a year! Holy smokes the last 6 months have just gone by so fast. You continue to be the biggest blessing in mine and your daddy's lives. You are the happiest baby and are always smiling. You have begun to get a little personality too. I can't believe it, but at only 6 months old, you seem to have a little shy side. Sometimes when people talk to you, you smile really big then throw your head into my chest (or Daddy's if he's holding you). It's the cutest thing to see you do that!
This month's firsts:
You had your first Thanksgiving this month! A lot of your family actually got to see you for the first time too. It was your first trip to Cordele with all of Daddy's family. This was the best Thanksgiving EVER because we were so blessed to have you with us this year!
You started sitting up by yourself this month. We will sit you up on your mat and you will sit there and play. We started out sitting you up on your changing table after bath time, which is when we put your lotion on. We figured out that if we kept you sitting up and let you play with your feet, then you didn't cry when we put your lotion on. We starting sitting you up to play on the floor and you would reach for all of your toys. At first you would fall over and sometimes even land on your face... you only cried a few times :) But now you have really good balance! You fall over backwards sometimes when you reach for things still, but you are definitely sitting up ALL by yourself!
You REALLY hold your bottle by yourself the WHOLE time now! Well, sometimes you decide you don't feel like holding it... but most of the time you want to do it all by yourself.
You had your first ear infection this month... which was actually only a few days before you turned 6 months.
You started pushing with your legs against us so that you can stand. You have some VERY strong legs! Look here where you are standing all by yourself!!! You can't do that for long, but you sure try :)
Things you're loving...
lots of the same things: bottle, baby food, sleeping, jumping in your bouncer, Baby First TV, Daddy's songs, Mommy's humming at night, naps with Daddy or Mommy, your froggy on your carrier, playing with your feet, the dogs...
some new things too: sitting up, the Christmas Tree, grabbing anything and everything on the floor or table, sipping water out of Mommy or Daddy's cup, playing in the mornings after you wake up.
This month has been such a wonderful month with you. I am loving EVERY. SINGLE. MINUTE. of having your itty bitty self in my life! I know that this next month is going to bring a lot more fun and firsts! Thank you for ALWAYS being the best baby ever!!! I love you so much Baby C!
More pictures from your little 6 months shoot we did in your bedroom:
the frog caught your attention |
already know how to open a book! so smart :) |
I love you my sweet sweet baby!!!!!