I am 37 weeks as of yesterday! WOOHOO!!! I made it to full-term! Since I have been on bed rest I have read a lot, watched some t.v., played Golden Eye (haha Chance is so proud of me), checked a lot of blogs, done a lot of laundry, and taken TONS of naps! I finished two books "Something Borrowed" and "Something Blue" by Emily Giffin. The two books go together and they are great! I definitely like "Something Blue" a LOT better though!! I can't wait to go see the movie with my besties! I am now reading the third book by Emily Giffin "Baby Proof". So far it's looking pretty good too.
I feel like I have had a pretty easy pregnancy, except for the preterm labor and all, but this last week has been horrible! I having been sleeping well at all, I get up every hour to use the bathroom, my feet and hands keep swelling, I had proteinuria (good think my blood pressure was normal because then it could have been preeclampsia), I have had the shooting pains and cramping for almost a week, and I am READY for him to come out!!! No doubt, this is the worst part of pregnancy for me!
Ok something positive... I have the greatest family and friends EVER!!!!! My mom drove down on Saturday "just in case" I was going into labor, my in-laws have been feeding us almost every night this past weekend, my friends have constantly been checking on me, some of my co-workers brought us dinner one night, and even my family has been calling and emailing me to say they were thinking of me! It's so nice to know that I have sooo many supporters!
Now for those of you who have had babies, I need your feedback... what are your labor stories?? Were there signs before you started going into labor? How many weeks were you when you went into labor? How long were you in labor? Did your water break? Did you have to been induced, was it natural, or a c-section? How much did the baby weigh and how long was he/she? Did you do anything trying to make yourself go into labor and did anything work?
I can't wait to hear every one's stories!!!! You can either leave a comment here, leave a link to your blog with your story, or even leave me a comment or message on facebook!! I'm sure everyone else would love to hear your stories too! :)
Well, my appointment is at 4:00 today, so I have a long day of waiting to see what the doctor says... Will you please do me a favor and PRAY that this little man comes soon??? Thanks everyone!
love ~Aimes