
Friday, October 7, 2011

Caycen's First Beach Trip

We were so excited when my mom called to tell us that her, my sister, my nephew, and nieces were coming to stay with us for the weekend to go to the beach! It was going to be Baby C's very first trip!!!  I got him all ready with his little hat (the only one I could find) and beach outfit. The hat was too big, so I sewed it to make it fit his head a little better.  We all piled in two cars and made it down to North Beach on Tybee, that Saturday, around 3:00 pm.  We unloaded the cars and set up on the beach.  It was also Hailey's (my niece who is just a little over 13 months) first trip to the beach.

We got out there and it was PERFECT weather!!!! We set up a tent so that I could sit under it with Caycen.  We tried putting Hailey in the sand but she was not having it.  Caycen didn't seem to mind it out there until it got a little later and the wind started blowing harder.

Skyler (my nephew who is 5) and Capri (my niece who is 3) absolutely LOVED it! They had such a great time! They started out getting Chance AKA Uncle Chance, to help them build things in the sand.  They also had fun burrying each other in the sand.  Chance even maid Capri into a murmaid. :) 

After a while it was time to eat, so we headed to the Crab Shack.  Skyler and Capri couldn't get enough of the alligators!


After eating we headed back to my house exhausted!!!

The next morning our house was filled with giggles and picking at each other.  Those kids absolutely LOVE their Uncle Chance!!!!  They would not leave him alone!

Skyler trying to pull Uncle Chance's pants down! haha!

They also loved their baby cousin, Caycen (he's not going to be spoiled by everyone is he??)

Grandma with ALL her grandkids :)

After playing around for a while, the kids were ready to go to the beach again.  I didn't really think Caycen needed to go two days in a row, so we dropped him off at his Nona's house.  This time at the beach, Hailey actually wanted to play and dig in the sand.  The kids played and played until they were worn out!

It was such a fun weekend!!! I can't wait til next year when Baby C is able to enjoy the beach a little more.  He is going to be a BEACH BUM!!!! :)
love my man! :)

And TGIF!!!!!!!


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