You do NOT like to be put down (hence the crying)... you're high maintenance already! |
Dear sweet little Gracie June,
This is my first letter to you and there will be so many more to come! I wanted to write you a letter before you arrived, but I was a procrastinator and waited too long! You ended up coming into the world a few days before I had planned on you coming.
First of all I want you to know how special you are to your Daddy and I. We prayed and prayed to have a sweet little girl and God truly blessed us by giving us you to love! You have made our little family of four complete.
This past month has been very exhausting but so worth it! You are definitely going to be so different from your brother.
Caycen begged to hold you! |
Caycen wanted to cuddle with his little sister here |
Your first week you had jaundice so we had to go to the doctor for several days in a row and you had to sit in the sun (which you didn't mind AT ALL!).
baking in the sun |
Things you are loving this month:
Your bottle, sleeping, cuddling, being swaddled, the rock and play, being outside, sleeping, listening to Daddy sing and play guitar, kisses, the infintino front carrier, oh and did I say sleeping? :)
Right now you are eating about every three hours and waking up only once during the night. You have done a couple of five hour stretches of sleep during the night {which Mommy and Daddy are so thankful for}. You have reflux so you hate sleeping on your back, so you sleep in the rock and play.
wow, you're actually taking the passy in this picture! (You don't really care for it too much most of the time) |
relaxing outside |
This month's firsts:
First smile in your sleep (1 day old) and you were probably dreaming about eating :)
First outing - we went to the dr. and then to Publix to get a few groceries (4 days old)
First "real" bath (2 weeks old)
ok, so it doesn't look like you liked your bath, but I promise it wasn't that bad! |
First restaurant - Jalapeños (2 weeks old)
First church service - Quacco Baptist, Daddy was singing there that Sunday (2 weeks old). You slept through MOST of the service, but we had to rock you in your carrier the whole time.
You met your first friend, Avery Jane Boylston (you were 2 weeks old and Avery was a week old)
First church service at Savannah Christian (3 weeks old) and you did sleep through the whole service
First time sleeping over at Nona and Papa Ray's (3 weeks old) {yes, I know this is early, but Mommy and Daddy were in desperate need of some sleep!!! We missed you like crazy though!}
First time sleeping in your room all night (the day before you were 4 weeks old)
asleep in your room for the first night |
This last month has definitely been a huge change for our family, but we are so excited for all of the fun adventures that are in store for our little family.
We love you Gracie June Bug (Baby G is what Daddy calls you).
Daddy doing the "buzzy bee" with you, just like Pop used to do with Mommy when she was a baby |