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Baby Darley #2 at 14 Weeks |
Well, my first trimester with baby Darley number 2 has come and gone. This pregnancy has been a little different. I'll go though and do a little overview like I did last pregnancy.
How we found out:
This time was a LOT different than the last pregnancy because we were actually trying to get pregnant. The first month we tried we got pregnant. I started taking tests a few days before I was supposed to start my cycle and found out I was pregnant. It was very exciting!
How I feel:
This trimester the morning sickness started at about 6 weeks, but it's definitely different this time. I feel nauseas a lot but I'm not throwing up like I was the last pregnancy. I've kind of figured out that as long as I keep something on my stomach I don't feel as bad. I have been super tired, especially at work. Other than that It hasn't been too bad.
Cravings are a lot like last pregnancy for me... I don't really have many. Just like last pregnancy it has been hard to decide on something I actually want to eat. I have been eating my chocolate doughnuts, Chance got me some toaster strudels that I've been tearing up, and I always love some Wendy's spicy chicken sandwiches but I'm really wanting them right now.
This pregnancy I feel like a cow already!!! I have already started popping out, where last pregnancy I didn't start to show until like 16 weeks! I hope that doesn't mean that I will be HUGE by the end. I have gained about 5 lbs so far and I'm hoping to keep from gaining as much weight as I did in my last pregnancy. I have been exercising this time around a lot more so hopefully that will help!
Funny story from today:
Well my original due date was August 5th, but when I went in for my "13 week" appointment today, my doctor asked if I was POSITIVE about the first day of my last cycle. I told her that I was absolutely sure. So she decided to do another ultrasound today because when I went in for my first appointment they said I was measuring a week small. We went back for the ultrasound today and the tech measured twice and I was measuring exactly what I had told them about my cycle, so I'm actually 14 weeks and 2 days today. :) My new due date is July 29th!!! So one more week down!
Well, will be finding out what we are having in about a month and I will update again then.