Our family doesn't usually do a whole lot during spring break every year, but I wanted to do something FUN this year! So we decided that we would take Caycen, on his first trip to Disney! I, myself, have only done the whole Disney thing one time, which was when I was 9 years old, so I was pretty excited too!
We invited our friends Amanda, Brandon, and Ella Kate to go with us. We thought it was the perfect time to go, because Ella Kate's birthday is at the end of March, and if the kids are under 3 they get in FREE (which saved us a few hundred dollars).
We left for Disney on Thursday, the 13th. We thought it would only take us about 4 to 4 1/2 hours to get there... well we were wrong! It took us over 6 ours because we had to stop SEVERAL times to let our toddlers go potty and there was a horrible wreck on the interstate, so we had to take a detour.
We finally got to the hotel, which we stayed at the Nickoldeon hotel. Caycen and Ella Kate were so excited because the Dora and Spongebob characters were plastered all over everything! We walked around the hotel and checked out everything. We saw this bird (I didn't know who the bird was) taking pictures with kids, so we let our kids take a quick picture with him too. The kids got to the room to find their "Disney baskets" waiting on them. They had fun digging through them!
That night, we went to Downtown Disney, where we at dinner and purchased our Magic Kingdom tickets for the next day. This was kind of chaotic, but we got it done.
We decided to just do Magic Kingdom for two days, with our two-year-olds, since we knew, from doing our research, that there would be no way to get everything done in one day.
Day 1 at Magic Kingdom:
We decided to drive to the park, so we could all fit in one car, then we would be able to leave for a nap and come back later. When we got to the park, the first thing was the Opening Show with all of the characters singing "Zipidee-doo-dah". It was just MAGICAL. At that point we were SO excited! And finally the gates opened...
We used two different Magic Kingdom apps on our phones to check out the wait times for all of the rides. We had been watching them for a few days before we left to go to Disney, so we knew one of the longest waits would be Peter Pan's Flight. So we went to this ride first thing.
We went on tons of other rides throughout the day. At lunch we took a little break and ate some Chilly Cheesedogs while we watched the Character Parade. Ella Kate got her FIRST haircut during this time, then they met us while we were eating lunch.
Then we went back to the hotel for a little nap.
After our nap, we stopped by Chick-fil-a and ate dinner in the car on the way back to Magic Kingdom. Then we were at it with the rides again.
At the end of the day, we went to enjoy the light parade, the light show on the Castle, then the Fireworks show.
After the last show, we went back to the hotel and went to sleep.
Our 2nd day at Magic Kingdom:
I feel like after only one day at Magic Kingdom, me and Amanda kinda had it down pat and knew what we wanted to do for the 2nd day. We went ahead and planned which fast passes we were going to use that day and did a pretty good job with that.
We started out with a few rides, then we went to the Tiki room (which we were the only ones in that show and after about 5 minutes, we were ready to leave there too), then we rode some more rides. The kids got to meet Minnie, Daisy, Goofy, and Donald. Caycen thought it was so funny that Goofy put the signature book on top of Caycen's head to sign his autograph! Then it was more rides and fun.
We went and ate lunch, then headed to the Character Parade. This was MY favorite part! After all of the floats went around the circle one time, the floats stopped, and the characters got off. Then they invited all of the kids to come dance in the middle of the street with the characters. Caycen got to dance with Woody, from Toy Story, and he was SO STINKIN CUTE!!!! He grabbed Woody's hands and they danced back and forth, back and forth, together. Then Caycen thought he was so cool, so he started dancing in the middle of the circle of kids right beside Woody. He does this funny leg kick thing when he's trying to dance, so Chance thought he was trying to kick Woody in the shoe, but I explained that he was just dancing. haha! Here is a short video that Chance did get of Caycen dancing with Woody, but we didn't get the really good part :(
Caycen Dancing with Woody
After the parade, we went back to the hotel for a nap. Then we went back to Magic Kingdom for more fun. We rode a few rides, then Caycen got to meet Buzz Lightyear!!! It was probably his favorite time. We told him to show Buzz his muscles, so as soon as he gets up to Buzz he starts posing for him. Buzz, of course loved that Caycen has such big muscles at the age of two, haha, so he posed back. We got several pictures with Buzz. Then we headed out for even more rides. We also got to use one of our fast passes to meet Mickey.
We didn't end up staying for the shows that night because we were all exhausted, so we went back to the hotel and went to sleep.
The next morning, we got up, got packed, then headed to Cape May Cafe for a character breakfast with Minnie, Donald, and Goofy. The kids absolutely loved it! They even got birthday cards signed by all the characters (even though Caycen's birthday isn't until June).
After our breakfast, we headed home {tears!!!!} and made it back in about 4 hours. I admit, we were a little depressed when we got back home. BUT, I did get to pick up my sweet little Gracie June, who stayed with her Nona while we were gone. Caycen picked out a Minnie Mouse to get Gracie June while we were at Disney, so he got to give her that. He also picked up a mug for Nona and a cup for Aunt Sissy.
We had the absolute BEST time! We can't wait to take Gracie June in 2 years :)